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Revocation of Death Benefits by Divorce or Annulment and Federal Preemption - May 2014


杰西卡·M. 弗吉尼亚法律(弗吉尼亚州. 法典第20-111条.1), upon the entry of a decree of annulment or divorce from the bond of matrimony on and after July 1, 1993, any revocable beneficiary designation contained in a then existing written contract owned by one party that provides for the payment of any death benefit to the other party generally is revoked. This general rule does not apply to the extent the decree of annulment or divorce or a written...

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by Anne C. LahrenSo your marriage is ending and you're eager to put the past behind you. 是时候恢复感情了!... or is it?For many reasons it is far better to abstain until after the divorce is final. It does not matter whether it was you or your spouse who initiated the separation or divorce action. 在这两种情况下, things are more likely to remain civil and progress smoothly if you avoid bringing new romantic interests into the picture....

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Included within the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014, 国会在12月26日通过的法案, 并由奥巴马总统签署, 是小企业法案的修正案吗, which should be good news for contractors doing business with the federal government. 在此修正案之前, in a case of contracts for construction of any public facility exceeding $1,000,000, or $500,在所有其他合同的情况下, 在任何合同授予之前,...

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考虑影响 & Benefits of Trademarks and Trademark Registration When Forming Your Business - January 2014


作者:Kristen R. Jurjevich.In forming a new business (whether an LLC, Corporation, etc.), often the focus lies on whether the name of the business passes muster with the State Corporation Commission (“SCC”). However, registering a business with the SCC merely gives one the right to do business in that particular state under that particular name. If you are interested in using a logo for your business or branding the goods or services that your business...

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Partition Suits - 2013年7月


by D. Rossen S. Greene.A person may end up sharing ownership of a piece of real property with others whom that person would rather not share anything. This situation can arise in any number of ways, but the most common is inheritance. 例如, a person may inherit a partial interest in a piece of real property and not be able to get along with the other co-owners. When thorny issues arising from the co-ownership of real property cannot be negotiated...

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Riparian Rights When You Own Land in Contact with the Water: A Mix of Environmental, 海军部和州法- 2013年6月


詹姆斯·T. Lang.为什么人们要为“水上”的房产支付额外的费用??  除了环境和风景, 拥有与河流相连的土地的, bay, 小溪或海洋包括宝贵的河岸产权.  The Virginia Supreme Court in 2012 wrote:The littoral or riparian nature of property is often a substantial, 如果不是最伟大的, 元素的值. This is true whether the owner uses his access to the sea for navigation, fishing,...

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临时豁免非法居留- 2013年4月


By Anne C. Lahren.3月4日前, 2013, there was no relief from within the United States for a alien immediate relative (such as a spouse, parent, (或未成年子女).S. citizen who had previously entered without inspection (EWI), regardless of the hardship that such alien’s departure from the U.S. 可能会导致.S. 公民直系亲属及家属. Aliens who are EWI are ineligible to adjust status and must depart the U.S. 并申请...

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Recent Court of Appeals Case Highlights Importance of Protecting Accounts Early in a Separation - April 2013


Wright v. Wright. The Wright case involved a divorce between a couple who had been married thirty (30) years.  Mr. Wright is a well known attorney in the Richmond area with a successful practice. Mrs. Wright, while highly educated, had been a homemaker for over twenty (20) years.  在这起离婚案的审理过程中. Wright sought ongoing spousal support and also sought to have Mr. Wright refund monies he had taken from joint accounts to pay...

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The Legal Side of Aging and Dementia: Advance Planning Tools, Commitment Proceedings, Guardianships & 托管- 2013年3月


作者:凯瑟琳·N. Byler.2013年会议期间, the VA General Assembly unanimously passed a law against the financial exploitation of incapacitated persons making it a felony punishable with incarceration of between one and twenty years. This law touches on the growing concern of protecting the elderly without taking away their rights unnecessarily.Elderly persons who once were savvy community leaders may experience effects of dementia that leave them...

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In 2006, Governor Kaine issued Executive Order 33 by which a 40% goal for the award of contracts for the procurement of goods and services by any agency of the Commonwealth was established. 第33号行政命令, the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (“DMBE”) was given the responsibility for the certification of business enterprises as Small, 妇女拥有和少数民族拥有的企业.  因此,“SWaM”一词被创造了出来.   因为大多数...

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